CCIE Practical Studies vol.1終了しました。
■CCIE Routing and Switching 863/863 100.00%
■Routing TCP/IP Vol.1 765/765 100.00%
■Routing TCP/IP Vol.2 496/801 61.92%
■CCIE Practical Studies 1 1177/1177 100.00%
■CCIE Practical Studies 2 12/935 1.28%
■CCIE R&S Practice Labs 0/417 0.00%
■BGP Design and Implementation 156/578 26.99%
■Cisco QoS 638/638 100.00%
■Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols 0/836 0.00%
■Cisco LAN Switching 0/841 0.00%
□TOTAL 4107/6988 58.77%