●今日のお題Should the number of weekly working hours be decreased?●自分の解答例(240単語・所要時間28分)
The length of working hours is a worldwide and controversial problem. I strongly support the idea that we should decrease the number of weekly working hours because shortening working hours can boost our working efficiency, conduce to build a tidy relationship with family and local community, and stimulate economic growth. I want to elaborate on the reasons of my opinion in the following paragraphs.
The primary reason is that decreasing working hours can make us work more effectively and employees will be eager to finish their allocated tasks in shorter time as they can. Experts say that most employees waste their 50% of working time in browsing webs and chatting with their colleagues because there are not so many tasks to do but only stay in the office until the end of office time.
Furthermore, if we can decrease working hours, then we will have more time to spend with family and local community. It is said that many social problems stem from lacking or fragile relationship with people around us.
Last but not least, decreasing working hours can give us more time to shop. Experts say that more than 75% of workers do not have enough time to go to shops on weekdays. If they can leave their office earlier than usual, economy will be accelerated by their potential consumption.
Taking the above aforementioned into consideration, I am of the opinion that our weekly working hours should be decreased.