- A dial plan defines how calls are interconnected and routed.
- Endpoint addressing assigns directory numbers to endpoints.
- Call routing and path selection define where a call is routed to and usually depends on the called party number.
- The digit manipulations feature ensures that numbers are presented in the correct format and is closely connected to call routing.
- Calling privileeges define the destinations a user can dial.
- Call coverage endsures that incoming calls are not lost.
- Several factors must be considered when designing a scalable dial plan.
- Interworking with the PSTN requires appropriate call routing and digit manipulation.
- Digit manipulation based on a TON and numbering plan is required for ISDN networks.
- Configuring a PSTN dial plan includes configuration of digit manipulation, inbound dial peer, inbound dial-peer matching, and outbound dial-peer matching.
- Verify correct dial-peer matching and digit manipulation using show and debug commands.
- Numbering palans define telephone numbers for voice endpoints and applications, whereas dial plans define call routing and digit manipulation.
- Scalable telephony networks require telephone numbering plans that are hierarchical.
- Overlapping number ranges are addressed through the use of site access codes.
- Varying number lengths, specialized services, voice mail, necessity of prefixes or area
codes, and international dialing considerations are challenges associated with integrating a private numbering plan with a public numbering plan.
- Digit manipulation and number normalization are methods to extend and enhance VoIP numbering plans.
- Implementing a numbering plan requires that the design process includes enumerating current users at each location and evaluating future growth requirements.